28 Ekim 2010 Perşembe

0-18 Açık Radyo Sohbetleri: Sağlıkta Çocuk Hakları, Prof. Dr. MUSTAFA YÜKSEL, ...

0-18 Açık Radyo Sohbetleri: Sağlıkta Çocuk Hakları, Prof. Dr. MUSTAFA YÜKSEL, ...: "Polat : Bu hafta sağlıkta çocuk hakları konusunu konuşacağız. Çocuk Hakları Sözleşmesi’ne uygun olarak çocuğun sağlıklı yaşama ve sağlık hi..."


           On December 17th, 1977 ;i  started as a resident  in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery to be a specialist. For my first official duty,i  had been assigned to Ataturk Sanatorium Thoracic Surgery Clinic by Ministry Of Health . I haven’t questioned how i can be a thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon during my first years of my duty .
Dr.Mehmet Deniz  ,who is still on duty in Ordu State Hospital, and I were the only two residents  in the clinic. My residency  was going well by indulge and good will of my mentors.When we reached  to the  third year of our education,what will be our experience in the field of cardiovascular surgery?.Had  our mentors have any plans for us?How could we can get experience, in  the field of cardiovascular surgery ,in a thoracic surgery department?What could  be done , when we confronted with a patient wounded  in heart or with ruptured vessel.

         A whole year passed with confussion,haziness and solution search.The hospital administration had nothing to do.Our mentors were ready to do the best for us but on paper they were unauthorized.We  could  only  commit with our personal initiatives for our  cardiovascular surgery residency that will only be on paper. At that time ,neither thoracic surgery nor speacialist association were existed to  defend our rights.

         In our fourth year ,the fog is suddenly dispersed.At a great chance Secretary od State’s mother  was hospitalized  into Ataturk Sanatorium for  lung disease.We have forwarded our problem to the secretary through our mentors and chief doctor of  the hospital.Although  it is not existed in the regulations,by using his personal authority ,secretary sent us to Yüksek İhtisas Hospital for cardiovascular surgery rotation for six months.We setted the rotation time considering the remaining time and we thought that this  six month interval would not prolong our residency time  and would  be sufficient for cardiocascular experience. In this way,we finished our residency as full trained “Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons”.,
        I promised myself  on the day i became a specialist ;”If i became a chief in a clinic someday,in order  to avoid my resindents  having   those challenges ,i will keep all the roads  open  as much as i can  for letting them learn the things they will need when they became specialist”
Since then;i am trying to keep those  roads open for  all of  my resindents ..
What has changed today, when compared with the past, what was done?

       A large association of   all specializations is struggling  with Ministry of Health for residency time and  rotation interval for all branches  on   behalf of our rights.
Is it enough?What more can we do?

       Our demands will make their struggle more meaningful .Although ,another fact; Do we complete our part sufficiently in their residency education?Do we see residents as surgeon candidates who need education or as technicians  who have to do the routine work of clinics? What can be done about it? What should we do? What we must demand from the association?What can association do for us?Establishing a resident comision can be solution?Do we know what residents think about?

       It is a fact that every individual clinics has strong and weak sides.Although 1or 2 professors present in some clinics ,in  more experienced and institutionalized centers 5 or 6 experienced professors exist. Also it is in this way in the whole world like Turkey.

When we glance abroad, this problem is resolved with rotations between clinics.

       Honestly,ethical agreements between clinics can solve these problem without the need of laws.All we need is enthusiasm.Relevant institutions are willing to help.
After 34 years,  a thoracic surgery resident who started residency in a clinic, still has to finish it in the same clinic. He/she has to be content with what is being done in his/her clinic.

You and us ,all come easy..

Your's respectfully
Mustafa Yüksel  M.D